HEALTHY LIVING: 936.588.2006
aPPOINTMENTS: 936.588.2772

15845 HWY 105 W. Suite 100 Montgomery TX 77356
Healthy Living
Health, Herb & Organic Market

I've had a few of my regulars ask about a "checkup"-type plan. 

4/pack, 6/pack, 8/pack and 10/pack  30-minute evaluation plan for single or household (husband, wife, children) use for individuals I see regularly but the packs will need to be used within a year of purchase.

*NEW* These packs also waive the phone and email charges

4/pack: $360 ($90 each) / Limited to 15 households

6/pack: $510 ($85 each) / Limited to 10 households

8/pack: $640 ($80 each) / Limited to 5 households

10/pack: $700 ($70 each) / Limited to 5 households

Several spots will be reserved each week so that people with these "check-up" packs can get in sooner if need be.

The "CHECK-UP" family-pack plan!

(Reserved for current clientele )